That's the word of the day.
Oh my... that word means different things to folks eh?
Some folks have a test and they get all worried about "what if I get something wrong? What if I don't excell? What if ...." and the anxiety goes into over drive.
Others encounter a test and take it in stride. Assuming they can learn the material sufficiently to do as well as they wish on the test. Yet, I knew others, who if they had a test, would not study, assuming they knew all they were going to.
Different responses to the same stimuli. People are SO fascinating aren't they?
My son and I started a new course of study today, the human body, we'll be studying some of the different systems of the body, see how God put us all together.
Today we were talking abit about Psalm 139.. where God knit us together before we were born and how we knows all of our days and what that means for us. How God knew that I would have gimpy feet in my middle age, and how my lad is soft-hearted and smart, and how Dad would have to struggle with how things are in our church. God knew it all ahead of time.
God made us all the way we are. In all our differences and samenesses, God knows us all full well.
So tests or not and how we respond to them, this fact remains... God knows us full well, from before we were born til the end of our days.
So if you are one of those that stresses over tests and how you will do in this, take heart... God knows ALL your days, every single one of them, and perhaps that knowledge will help you to stress less as you study. :)