I have moved many many times in my life. :)
Granted, I never moved as a child. WOOT WOOT! That would have been hard as a child, with the type of person I was back then.
BUT as adult I learned to embrace moving.
New things to experience, new people to meet, new packing and unpacking to do, finding things I thought I had lost, discovering things I REALLY truly didn't need, the joy of having a yard sale.
Therefore, generally when I see the word move, I think positive thoughts.
Lately the word move has been filled with some trepidation.
Our church is closing. This means my pastor hubby needs a new job.
Moving is a good thing as it means a new start.
But it also means...ACK!!!! Where are we moving to? When will it happen!!! So much to do and it feels like so little time!!!
I feel angst.
I don't need angst.
I need to remember that God ever has everything in his control.
I can toss things out. :)
I can plan for what I will move and then sell. :)
I can know that I can take it one day at a time and it will all, somehow, work out.