I asked my lad what he thought about the word muddle and he said "I don't know what that word means".
Even when I defined it for him, he still drew a blank.
I figured it might be good to provide a definition in case there are others who don't know what it means: Muddle: to bring into a disordered or confusing state OR to be in an untidy or disorganized OR to have a disorganized, untidy collection.
M essy
U nkempt
D isorder
D isarray
L ess than neat
E ncumbered
It's a great descriptive word, and I can see my lad using it in his book that he is writing, for as I was writing this post we were chatting about how it would describe Ratagas from Lord of the Rings. Then a light bulb went off and he said "Mom, that's a good word!"
I am using story writing to help him really understand how grammar helps you to write a better story. I find the more he is writing and edits his work, the less muddled his writing is becoming, and the more clear he is becoming in defining adjectives, adverbs, phrases and such like. It's a rather neat process watching a lad learn by using his creative talents.