- a displayed sheet or placard giving news or information.
- notification or warning of something, especially to allow preparations to be made.
- attention; observation.
- to become aware of
Currently we have an international student staying with us. He has a bit of a challenge learning the English language. First we have different words for the same object and then sometimes a word can mean more than one thing. We get that quizzical look of his way too often. :)
When I think of notice as a displayed sheet, I think of Luther's questions that he posted back when the Reformation started. When he read for himself what God's word said and noticed how it was different then what he was being taught by the Catholic church of the day. How he had to wrestle with that.
Wrestling with language (like our student) or wrestling with understanding God's word (like Luther) is simply part of what we have to do as we go through life, is it not?