You know that expression Silence is golden?
I often crave silence, my hubby is a TV buff and my son is a video buff... so there is ALWAYS noise in my house. ALWAYS.
Unless of course, I get up really early and then ah.. silence.
But it's funny.
As much as I crave silence, silence and me.. not the best of friends. :)
See I am a HIGHLY distractable person. The more noise that I can "tune out" the better I often function. Weird eh? Oh that dichotomy has been a struggle.
I know.. makes no sense. But I can write a blog post faster if I hear noise somewhere than if I don't hear noise. If I don't hear noise I start thinking about.. hmmm.. wonder if I should breed x rabbit to y rabbit, what should I set up for supper tonight, what about hmm.. when am I going to get my son to start doing X thing for his schooling. And I stop thinking about... What is Silence all about?
Right now I am sitting in a house listening to murmurs of a art class going on and I am not thinking about all the other things I have to do, though I am bringing before the Lord a friend with allergies, my husbands need for a new job, for a co-worker whose hubby has badly hurt his back... the Lord hears those quiet background prayers you know. But I am also focused on a deadline of five minutes writing about silence.
Makes me has the Lord wired you? Is silence golden or... is not not always so golden?