Then I think of how yesterday our international student was out for the day, another hosting family had decided to go out to Niagara Falls for the day and thought they would invite our student along.
We had thought to stay home but I had itchy feet... I wanted to get out of the house, I had people interested in buying a couple of bunnies I had so that provided me with the excuse to drag the fellows along. :) Mind they didn't complain at all. Once the bunnies had found their ways to new homes we headed out to St. Thomas for their Open Doors event.
The lads were able to play pokemon go along the way "it's a ghastly!!" or "it's an evie!" I tell you, those fellows have such a good time together playing that game and the exercise they get done amazes me.
We often do things as a family on the weekend. Just the three of us hanging out, enjoying each others company. Being a unit that for a while each year includes another. It works. And its all that's come to me when I think of the word weekend. :)