When I first saw this word I thought I am going to switch out this word, I don't like it.
But then I got busy and kinda forgot to do up a post so here I am staring at this word you... thinking huh.. don't like you but I'm kinda stuck with YOU.
And then I feel an attitude forming of sulky anger... and I think My goodness girl, you got issues if you are getting upset about a word. :)
And being that it's almost 11 pm. at night when I'm preparing this post for the morrow, I'm getting a bit introspective so I start wondering why I am getting upset over a silly three letter word, and there it is.
Talking about my self is rather self-centered and I've about my fill of being self-centred. It's a big problem in the world today... all these self-centred folks, worrying about themselves, not willing to set themselves aside for someone else. Selfishness runs rampant in the world today.
Folks of all ages, just looking out for number one (at least they consider themselves as number one). I am not immune to it, there are times when someone will ask me to do something and I don't want to so I cop an attitude, or just say no, or ... You know how it goes. I see it in my son and in my hubby. We fight against it because GOD calls us to do so. We fight that natural inclination to look to ourselves more than we look to the one who created us in the first place.
Sometimes I grow weary you know... of the fight, of the need for the fight and just want it to be over. Especially when it's been a hard day of teaching a boy to mind his own selfishness and fighting against my own, and teaching him that it's okay for a mom to say sorry when her own selfishness got in the way of her just listening to a lad's thoughts and reasonings about life. Sometimes I just want the good Lord to come back and put an end to it all...
But for now we are stuck with .. fighting the ME and trying to see the YOU more often, cause that's what the ONE calls us to do.