This was followed up with reading though a couple of poems. This one pictured below and another I'll use as a poetry lesson called "The Troll". My son's reaction to this poem was immediate "that wasn't very nice".
- The Moghul Dynasty through "The Story of the World vol.2".
- Bernard of Clairvaux in "Monks and Mystics"
- More about deepening mystery in Fish Finelli
- Life in the mountain in "Natural World"
- Algae in "100 fantastic Science Facts"
- A chapter in Battle of the Bulge
- A chapter from "Owls in the Family" in a short story book.
Questions my lad raised:
- Are algae blooms dangerous?
- If Algae aren't truly plants, what are they really?
- If a solider kills someone who has surrendered, will they be punished? Why would those soldiers want to be so mean? They weren't fair mom.
- Why does goose poop stick so badly?
- What are mutant ducks?
I was able to show him a picture of a mutant duck and explained they really won't eat your hand off. :)
The rest just means some research on my part.
- Cursive Logic
- Jump Math
- Machines & Motion by God's Design
- Poetry Lessons.
Today we learned about Rhyming Couplets
The Lad's Poem Below