"That's my plan lad" says I.
"GOOD. come on mom.. let's go". Please says the lad pulling me by the hand up the stairs...
(That should have been my first clue). :)
We bounded upstairs, licketty split and did the names of Christ amid many questions and distractions (second clue) .. as usually he's very focused on getting the letters down for the names very carefully and thusly is very quiet. What does this mean, what does that mean? Mom.. I don't know that word...
Combine that lack of attention with a mom whose body is rebelling against her supper last night and I said.. okay.. GO PLAY. You can play until I find a lapbook or some pages we can do on Johann Sebastian Bach. (we started reading a book on great composers yesterday) so I want to help cement some of that learning.
So he plays, I visit the bathroom and look for info on Bach.
Here's what I've found thus far.
Homegrowner Learners.
Bach Composer Study.
Lots of items on Pinterest. More here.
DIY homeschooler.
Homeschool Share.
Making Music Fun.
Stephanie the Journey. and here's part 2.