I was talking with my sweetheart the other day, saying how I have just NOT been in the Christmas spirit this year and how I just want to pack everything away. So today I did just that. I packed away the tree and all the trimmings, even took down my village. I want my house back again.
Normally I don't feel like this till mid-January and then i slowly take things down and savour the memories of the year just past. So I'm going to take a moment and see if I can recall some of the good moments of this past year..
So first up would be my family. My family on both sides. These folks are a blessing to me. A mom in law who loves her Lord and her family fiercely Such a blessing to me. A birth family that cares for each other, we aren't the most 'let's do stuff together group" but we love each other and gather frequently together to celebrate each other and life. Family is GOOD.
They have walked with me through gall bladder surgery, sore limbs, broken thumbs, sore teeth, bumps and bruises and the whole physical knockouts I've been doing to myself throughout the year. Good people these two males in my life.
I could tell you about a friend who touched my heart...bringing me back a mug on a trip away that was totally unexpected. :)
Of a boy who is a friend to my boy and how his whole family welcomes him in. :) And of another friend who is becoming like extended family, how sometimes families mesh and that's a blessing sorely needed.
I could talk of field trips, of homeschool groups, of interests shared. Good things that you know?
Just as i have learned much about my hubby and my boy and how they help and hold when life hurts.
How I am thankful to my church, to people on the crew, for the ease of facebook in letting others know of needs.
God has blessed me. And it blows me away. And I am so aware of how much I need him and how very unworthy I am.
I am so very very glad that when he looks at me, he sees his son.
And I am continually challenged to look beyond me.
I must you know. I can't dwell on the hard things or the hard times.
I have to look at God.
I have to see him.
My dad loves the Lord.. he will go home to him. And that's a comfort.
My hubby loves the Lord....and through that love he loves me. And that is good.
My son.. he learns..and how I pray that he will grow to love the Lord fiercely.. like his dad does, without the hemming and hawing his momma can do.
My mom in law.. a fierce warrior for the Lord. In her calm, gentle loving way she holds that standard high.
and my family....God is good. He draws us all to him and that is good.
I am blessed.
And how about you? How has God blessed you this year?