Elijah, God’s Mighty Prophet is a level 2 I Can Read, written in the tradition of the bestselling NIV Adventure Bible. In this story, Elijah the prophet has a tough job to do—convince a stubborn king and the Israelites that God is greater than anyone, including the god Baal.

I understand that folks think it's important to spare children bloodshed, but sometimes bloodshed is a part of the story. The prophets of Baal were destroyed.
It's a part of the story, and it's in the bible. So for a book that says it follows the bible story, to completely miss it seems an intentional part to not tell the WHOLE story. Children, even young children, do well to have the whole story. It shows how seriously God takes sin, and ergo we should to.
But the set up and layout of the book is well done. Oh, I also wish that they had put the scripture reference in the book so that one could turn to the bible to read the whole story that this one was taken from. This book was a good introduction to Elijah.
Product Details: Received: Level 2 Reader Title: Elijah, God's Mighty Prophet Series: Adventure Bible Pictures by: David Miles Pages: 32 Publisher: ZonderKidz Reviewed for: BookLookBloggers |