Was over at the Critical thinking community the other day and noticed the critical thinking for children video series. It looks/sounds interesting. My goals for today are simple. do our reading. Do some history. Do some painting and review of terms for the "lines" of the world. Reading The lad's recall "we learned about the people who discovered the country". I asked...do you remember their names? "no.. YES Christopher Columbus! Is that correct mom"? Yes was my response. The Princess on the Glass Hill. This was a classic story of a nobody who became a somebody by thinking his way through trouble. Bronze, Silver and Gold colours were used, so I queried the lad on what other things have bronze, silver and gold. It took him a bit and then he said.. the Olympics? I said good job buddy. and we talked on that for a while. The white seal - another Rudyard Kipling story. We only got a third of the way through this story. The lad was bothered by the male seal always wanting to fight and hurt the other seals for what he considered no reason. I'll let him ruminate on it for a while and we may finish it, we may not. we learned about the leatherback. The lad's recall "it's called the leatherback and it has points on it back". We also learned about the bobcat "sometimes it looks for dead food, or for food that people have hunted, and it comes back and forth to eat it's food instead of eating it all at once". History In our world history book we learned how america got it's name, and how through some mistakes Christopher Columbus became important in some regards to the discovery and what not. Since I don't have a study on Amerigo, I pulled up a study regarding Christopher Columbus. I used materials from Schoolexpress, Living books Curriculum and from 3Dinosaurs. Canada and The World Um.. we didn't paint our world today. My efforts in the backyard took much longer than I thought it would and I had to work according to someone else's schedule.
i like swimming in Stratford mom. I like the teacher, she helps me learn the right way.
Did you know that The Old Schoolhouse, which is a publishing company, puts out a monthly digital magazine? It's called The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Not only that... the magazine is totally free! Yes! Anyone who knows me, knows I like free. :) They also have a free app, which I haven't used. you can find it here. My phone is small, I can't imagine trying to read a magazine on it. BUT since this app is to be used generally on a tablet it's all good. :) So if you have a tablet, check it out. It's free, won't hurt you none eh? I used to get this back in the day when it came out quarterly and you had to pay for it, but now it comes out monthly and it's free which is rather cool. Anyways, I thought I'd give you a review of The Old Schoolhouse's November Magazine. This is a magazine written for parents/teachers. Teens may derive some benefits from reading the articles as well, but it's mostly written as a adult level magazine to assist homeschooling parents in fulfilling their role. What do I like about this magazine? Simply this, it's useful. It is generally filled with articles that I can read and learn from. Articles that help you learn. Every month they have a special feature, this month the Amish was the focus. I found it interesting to read about these folks as there are a fair number of Amish/Mennonite folks as part of my homeschool group. Not all of ours are horse and buggy folk though. :) Some of the articles from this month: 1. Various articles on the Amish, written in mind for the various types of homeschoolers as well, the Charlotte Mason, the Factual, the Unit Study and such like. I thought it an interesting way to do it. Lots of articles on the same topic, but so many different approaches to it. Just like homeschoolers are all different eh? 2. Articles for the Frugal and the organized. 3. Articles on music, poetry, and art. Woven throughout the magazine is faith in God. Every where I went it seemed like God was brought into the picture. A tapestry of life with God. :) Overall it's a good magazine. I would have no problems recommending that you get out there and read it. Once again, it can be found here. ACK! I just discovered this magazine is loaded with links to all sorts of stuff. :) Sorry.. I'll try to keep my delight in check. I like checking out links to various sites and this magazine makes it easy. They even have links to freebies. :) What I liked, or what jumped out at me. There's an article called "Gifts of Gratitude". This is something I've been getting frustrated with my son, and after a day like yesterday where he complained about most everything we did (even stuff he liked to do like swimming lessons) it was like GAH!!!!! I can't take this anymore. So reading this article was timely. This article was geared toward younglings and had a thanksgiving theme to it which for some reason I found distracting, but I really like the idea of having a thanksgiving tree or wreath or something. And may set out to do just that with the lad. So that whenever someone (adult or child) complains about anything, we can immediately write down a thank you to God for something/anything. I have to think about it somehow, I don't want it to be ugly, but I do want it to be something easy to attach notes of thanksgiving and praise to God on. What I wish was different.... I have to admit, I'd rather have a physical in my hands to hold and write in, and keep handy for when I just want to pull something out type of magazine. BUT shipping costs, printing paper and what not.. that gets expensive. So Get this: I can download this magazine as a PDF and print off the pages that I want to keep. I LOVE THAT! Seriously. To be able to just print off the information that I want, I really like that. I do wish it was editable as a PDF. I don't want to waste my paper and ink printing off pictures. I really don't. I just want the written information only. There has to be a way to do that without copy pasting over to a document program, I just don't know how to do that. Oh... and I did struggle for a bit, with figuring out how to turn pages. I quickly discovered the oversize button (what can I say...old eyes) :) but I was frustrated in turning to the next page until I realized I had to scroll up to the middle of the page to find the next page button (which is hidden until you run your mouse over it). Disclaimer Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this product through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. For Other Reviews Check out this link for the Schoolhouse Review Crew.
Human Body Today we worked a bit more on learning about the heart. We labeled it, and then did some experiments on figuring out how our pulse changes with how we exercise. It was a bit of a battle as the lad wanted to really just do his own thing today. BUT we persevered - by talking about the parts of the heart and what they do. And then doing some experiments I got somewhere on the web but can't recall where. Opening and shutting a hand to see how often we could do it in one minute and realizing how tiring it is. Finding our pulse, making a homemade stethoscope, exercising and counting our pulse and such like. It was worth it when suddenly he said.... "If i have no pulse mom, does that mean my heart isn't working"? My response was .. "You got it buddy. No pulse, no heartbeat". He grinned and all was good. :) Candy Experiments One of my facebook links sent me over to this Candy Experiment. So.. since we had candy we thought we'd try it. We were MOST interested in trying the M&M's one - we wanted to see the M float. BUT.. well... Here's what happened in that one: We did experiment with a whole variety of candies though. We chose identical candies and put one in hot and one in cold. The one that simply amazed both of us was the fizzy ones. We were astonished at the sheer amount of bubbles that came shooting out the fizzy when it was placed in hot water. Like the M&M it disappeared in no time flat. The fizzy when put into cold water bubbled slowly and over time hollowed out in the middle. The lad thought this quite interesting and BEGGED to eat it. The one that disgusted us...the gobstoppers. MOST candies..the water tasted sweet or at least sort of like the candy. Gobstoppers...just...ICK...and hence forth I have NO desire to EVER eat one again. Halloween Candy when placed in hot water exuded this white waxy film (looked icky but the lad said... MMMM). AND caramels dissolved fairly quickly BUT left this sticky spot behind on the cup that took a couple doses of oil to get off. Smeared all over the cup. Rolo pops on a stick...dissolved slowly in cold water, fairly fast in hot but the rolo part didn't dissolve. the lad put it in his mouth and immediately spit it out. YUCK! It was a very pale colour which made me wonder if the hot water sucked the colour/flavour out? Anyways, some pics. They might be a bit jumbled, I'll try to comment. Our Reading Today we learned about some Chinese explorers. Mostly about Zheng He. He sailed all over the place, mostly to Africa, bringing back animals and other goods to show the emperor. He used a compass to get around. SO.. we made a compass! we read part of "the trail of the meat". This was a very long chapter and comes from Jack London's call of the wild. The lad was intrigued but said...haven't we read this before? and yes, I had started, a while back, to read this book to him in the car. Good to remember. Today we learned about the Desert Tortoise and The Turkey Vulture. The lad is quite familiar with the turkey vulture and found it interesting that it doesn't nest in a tree. But mom.. they fly up high! they should use a tree, it's safer. The Star and the Lily. This Indian folk tale made the lad snort. Mom...that's just not true! Did they really believe that? Physical Education We went out for a walk. The lad thought it behooved him to complain for a fair while since just walking is "boring". But he found some sticks and life seemed much better after that. Boys and sticks...makes life so much better. :)
Who Am I?
September 2017
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if you were me Chess House YWAM Seed Sowers Time4Learning Family Hope Center Reading Kingdom Bible Study Guide for all ages Bird Cage Press Christianity Cove Math Mammoth Joyce Herzog Homeschool in the woods SuperCharged Science Adventus LoneStar Learning A+tutorsoft Math Wet, Dry, Try App Schoolhouse Teachers French Essentials Dogwood Mudhole Circle Time Gryphon House Essentials in Writing In the Hands of a Child A journey through learning Ed Douglas Picaboo Yearbooks VocabularySpellingCity 2014 TOS Reviews Science4Us.com Egglo Entertainment. ScienceandMath.com Supercharged Science. Philippians in 28 weeks. CTC math The Brinkman Adventures. Maestro Classics. Logic of English. Learning Breakthrough Go Science DVD's Veritas Press Happy Kids Songs Wizzy Gizmo: In his image UberSmart Software. Essential Skills Advantage: Other Reviews
My Beloved ..
Homemaker's Mentor Don't Miss the Boat Tokens of Promise Biff and Becka's .... A Child's Geography Homeless at Harvard 30 Days of Bible Study... Topaz and the Evil Wizard Alone yet not alone Lead me Home I am Second Can't wait Willow Hey God.... This is Our Time What I wish I knew at 18 Classical Composers Seeking Christmas. Raising boys by design. The Ruby Ring. Knowing God By name. The Jesus Bible, NIV. One Realm Beyond. |