But if you take your time, you will be encouraged. You will gain thoughts that might assist you in your journey. So check it out, I've included the link for your convenience below.
But you know what it the greatest encouragement for me?
It's what reminds me of what my true calling is.
It's what binds me together with other homeschoolers.
It's God's word.
When it comes right down to it, God's word is the most encouragement I get from ANYTHING that I read.
It inspires me.
It pushes me.
It's tells me I can do better with my schooling, with my life, with my "you name it".
God leads me on all the time.
Books are good.
I've looked through the well-trained mind, I've read books on how to homeschool, I've been encouraged by "Pinecones", and other books, but it's God's word that spurs me on the most and makes me question my decisions and supports my long-term goals. And makes me realize how imperfect I really am. So I know it's okay. I don't have to be perfect.... I just have to keep moving on and trust him to mind the rest.
So tell me.. what encourages you? Have you read books lately that I can check out? Would be kinda neat to know what they are. :) OH! And if you want to know what books have encouraged other homeschool parents, check back on the 17th to read more. You can GO HERE to do so. :)