Once we got started though things went well.
The lad did his math through A+Tutorsoft. He complains but he actually likes this program. He just doesn't like it when I print off sheets for him to do. He'd rather do it all on-line. :)
We then did "target the question". I thought the lad would like this program but thus far he finds it too easy and rather boring. Hoping it will improve as time goes along but right now...it's very much ACH.
Started with Essentials in Writing. He doing the grade one material as I haven't focused on doing writing with him and I figure we can zip through things we already know and move on from there.
Here we are doing lesson 5A. Yes, we skipped the first five lessons as well..they were too easy. And this lesson I thought would be easy but my... what you think will take five minutes stretched longer than that.
The one question was about describing your brother/sister. he doesn't have one so I said pick something and give me five descriptive words for it. he did Star Trek: has phasers, space, ship, enemies. He argued about the having pets one because "MOM, I have all the pets that I want!"
To the library to work on some First Nations pages I had made up.
We also borrowed some books from the library. We have one page left to fill out and we hope to make a long house tomorrow and Thursday. :)
Then back to a friends house to play and relax and home for supper, some tv and bed. :) All in all a good day.