These days it seems that some people want us to be ashamed of being women. They want us to believe that we’re less: less intelligent, less important, less human. There is so much negativity out there. For one day, we want to flood the internet with positive messages about women.
This taken from the blog Living, Learning and Loving life.
They are doing a week where people WITHOUT bashing men, talk about being a woman and how that's a GOOD thing. :)
Find the Link here please. :)
I have to tell you... throughout most of my life I haven't much been pleased with being a woman. I didn't want to be a guy, I just wanted to be this gender neutral person, that would be pleased me greatly. I had LONG arguments with God about the whole male/female/gender neutral thoughts.
BUT... then I went to a little start up church with people who actually liked me, really liked me just for who I was and I started to see myself in a different way. God was very gracious to me. He helped me see people and myself in a brand new light.
My mom..... who cares for my dad who is ill with Parkinson's, in a nursing home, and just cares deeply for her family and kin. She loves her family tightly and did good at raising me...though I know I was at times a real trial to her. She's a good solid woman whose faith in God is her firm foundation.
My sisters... though radically different than I am loving clothes and shopping and all that "womanly stuff"... They love God. They love their families. Good solid people who don't flinch at showing the world who they are. Making choices that are best for them and their families. Being the supportive, leaders they need to be.
My mom-in-law. She accepted me from the day I met her. When I first met her I felt at home. She is a treasure. Her faith in God is strong. She has taught me so much, and we are so alike in some ways it totally shocks me. She doesn't like shopping, she loves critters and will worry on them just like me. :) She loves her son with a devotion just like my mom loves her family. She is an good example to me.
And then there's me... still often feeling a bit "odd" around women and who is actually making good friends with some women and it amazes me.... My hubby is such a foundation for me and is good at reminding me that yes... I am a woman and it is a good thing. So he is very much a part of the woman that I am now. :)
BUT it all comes down to God you know. He placed me in a small start up church that radically changed my life and my perception of myself and of WHO HE WAS. He gave me a hubby that loves me dearly and often so much knows what I need. BUT God is my most solid foundation and I owe everything to him.
God...the supreme being who is the creator of the world, the creator of me, knows me so well he gives me what I need, and helps me to crave for more. HE is the one who makes me the woman i am today, and the woman I'll be in the future. :)
So when we celebrate being a woman... let us also celebrate who GOD is. Amen?
Anyways, enough with my thoughts, go read what some other folks have to say eh? :) You can find that here. Thanks for dropping by!