Hmm.. what else did we learn?
Mushrooms can carry a variety of diseases, so growing them in a sterilized environment keeps them clean. The farm we went to had a big fire a while back and since then moved away from wooden beds (which apparently are still quite common) to these metal beds we see here.
Did you know that if you leave a mushroom in the sun for five minutes you will get your daily dose of Vitamin D?
You can even run them under a UV light (at least I think that's the light they used) and they will get 300% Vitamin D which will carry over into the store until they are purchased? neat huh?
They are also investigating ways to make more use of mushrooms, from putting them into burgers, grinding them into a powder and adding them to breads, stews, soups, and other things. They are such an excellent source of vitamin D that it's a great way to add vitamin D into your food. And if you grind them up, seriously.. are you going to notice??
Things my son remembers
1. It's not good to inject mushrooms with water
2. Whitecrest ships alot of it's mushrooms elsewhere to be used by other companies
3. mushrooms can pick up Salmonella from the ground