Today was a good homeschool day. it really was. We learned, we enjoyed each other and time passed well.
We had our first homeschool group skating today and it went well though muscles we haven't used are a wee bit tired now. :)
Part of what made this day good was being able to talk about a hard subject this morning.
We were reading about a missionary family who were ministering to some Indian folk and a misunderstanding had developed and by the end of the story one man lay dead who shouldn't have been killed, but was due to the hatred and stubbornness of the one opposing him and I fought not to cry about the pain that family would have gone through.
My lad noticed.
And had this look of what's up mom?
And so I dared to be honest with my lad and I told him how my heart was breaking over the families who lost loved ones through persecution. Like this missionary family who lost their husband/daddy. Like families who are attacked and their children killed because they won't deny Christ and my heart weeps for these people.
Our brothers and sisters in Christ dying.
And so I dared to talk to my lad about how we live in a land where it's so easy and free to live out our faith and how others who also believe in Jesus live in a land where they can DIE for their faith. DIE, as in DEAD not coming back, no pretending. And how I want my boy to be that brave if he's called to it...and how that scares me as a mom for him.
And so my lad and I talked. And it was good. But it was also hard.
Let us DARE please.. to raise children who will die for their faith.
Let us DARE to have our hearts broken as we lift those families who suffer up before God.
Let us DARE to be real in our faith shall we?
Let us DARE.