If one needed to pick the most favourite thing in the whole world it would be God. Afterall he created it and he created me and you and everything else and by his word he sustains it all.
But if one needs to look at some of the favourite things in the world beyond our faith, beyond our families (as honestly.. my favourite things are the people in my life).
Next to that for me would be critters (right now that is mostly bunnies.. but I like mice, rats, guinea pigs, dogs, cats.. basically most any critter though spiders I like to keep a safe enjoyable distance from), books (oh..how I love to read) and writing (love writing ergo.. I blog!). :) I also adore my amaryllis and growing them in the garden every summer. The one pictured above rarely fails to flower for me and I don't do all the standard "how you care for them stuff" I just plunk them in the ground, they grow. In the fall, I pull them out and plunk them in a box. No specialized care.
My lad.. oh how my lad loves the people close to him. He also loves TOADS and is beyond thrilled that he gets to watch a whole whack of them grow. We have a pond.. we have tadpoles and he goes out ALL the time to watch them. He frequently plays with the adults as well. Life is good if there is toads in it. "Mom, could I making a living with toads you think?" he asked me the other day. :) Made me smile.
My hubby... pastor man, quiet living man. LOVES his quiet times, holds his family close to his heart. :) Yesterday he sold a van that was a real favourite. He truly liked our van, but it no longer ran well and was taking up too much space so it's gone. He missed it yesterday and I have to admit, the driveway looks bear without it. BUT it will go on to help other van like it run better and so it will live on.. a good thing that!
Those are some of our favourite things in this household... What are favourite things in YOUR household? Please tell me.. I'd like to share your joy in them. :)