Today's word is GOOD.
I think on this word and am brought to mind of two things.
One--- God's Grace supercedes my goodness.
Two---Being good isn't why Jesus came to die for us.
If I believe that my goodness makes a difference then I'm believing a lie from Satan himself.
Too long I have allowed Satan to lie to me.
Too long have I believed that somehow my goodness or the strength of my belief in God is what made me "okay" in the sight of God.
It isn't true you know.
God loves me regardless.
My faith is not required to be strong or sure or great or big.
It's simply supposed to be.
He is my strength.
He is my surety.
Not me or mine or anything else.
Just him.
God sent his son to die for ME because he loves me. That's all.
That is the only statement I need to be believing.
What about you?
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