1. Check what the word is over at Lisa-Jo's.
2. Write for five minutes
3. Link Up
4. Comment on the person who linked up before....if you do two people ahead of you, you don't have to worry on missing anyone. :) BUT Only one is required. Be encouraging.
5. Grab the code and plunk it at the bottom of your post. :)
Mighty, that's the word for today. Sometimes with the Friday Word I need to ponder on it most of the day to come up with something, but the word mighty... all sorts of thoughts immediately pop into my mind.
Things such as
1. Oak Trees are often described as being mighty
How oak trees feed countless numbers of squirrels, their acorns make tons of different crafts with children, how they are funny with their little caps on.
2. God... he is mighty. In fact he is more mighty than anything else you can think. Mountains, oceans, oak trees, rivers, world leaders etc.
3. How small I feel sometimes.. when I consider all that the Lord has done and created. I feel small and humbled and not worth a whole lot.
4. Then I remember that God doesn't think of me like that... he loves me deeply. With an intensity I can't understand.
5. This reminds me that as small as I am I am worth something. If God, who is indeed mighty, has concern for me (more than he does over sparrows and flowers in a field), then perhaps I should consider myself a bit than I generally do.
6. I am no mighty oak...but I have a role in this world. I should play that role out... if only out of regard for the one who is mightier than anything else. I need to Live as my Lord has intended me to all along. :)
Oh.. five minutes...have to stop. :)
Added: Let us all today remember who loves us. Let us remember the MIGHTY Lord God and live this day for him! :)