Marcy over at Ben and Me has started monthly Five on the Fifth joining together time. Bloggers getting together to share their five favourite posts over a month. So what are my five favourite posts? This has actually proven to be a bit of a challenge. I've read quite a few good posts and haven't taken the time to save them. I've pinned a few, but most I just think.. Good read. enjoyed that, sometimes I comment and sometimes I just can't because I'm thinking too much to comment well. :) (hope that makes sense). So now's a matter of finding them again. :) |
This post by Michele about how blessed she is by her family. Posts like this just make my heart smile. Moms' enjoying and appreciating their families... that's a GOOD thing no? They cause me to want to write a similar post and I never do as being a copy cat isn't something I want to do as a blogger. :)
This post by Marcy on being real. That real need to be balanced in our writing. To not only talk about what we did do, but sometimes about the things that are hard, or that didn't get accomplished or when life got in the way of other life. It's hard to find that balancing point and Marcy reminds us to keep trying to find it.
Challies is a blog a read frequently. He provides much food for thought, and this month Five ways to lose the battle against sin gave me much to think on. Too often we think we have sin beat and we stop being vigilant... only to be blindsided when it strikes again and obvious (at least to us) manner. Be vigilant and focused on God. :)
And then there's Tara telling us thebald facts about homeschooling her daughter. Wow.. that could be me talking of schooling with my boy. :) Some days are just downright tough, but those tough days are hidden the midst of good days with smiles and learning and excitement.
Hhmm.. what shall i do for five? I"m going to see if I can find one that I pinned. :) Ah... here's the one I want.
The anatomy of a meltdown. I worked with special needs folks of various ages for about 15 years. It was a challenging job but I learned much about myself and about the people I served. Sometimes you just need to let children be angry and keep them safe and let them wear themselves out. It's a hard thing, and in the teenage years can be a downright scary thing as you keep them safe as well as yourself. My heart goes out to parents who need to deal with these struggles as it's not an easy road to hoe.