It's not the day for ALIVE.
Though because of Christ's action on our behalf I don't need to fear death.
I don't need to fear God's judgement.
Christ paid that debt for me.
My trust in him is all that is required of me to have my debt paid in full.
So yes, I am ALIVE because of Christ's action, but today our focus on not on being alive, it's on remembering that Christ suffered his ENTIRE LIFE because of God's love for us.
Remember.. he LEFT perfection, he left just being God to become a human. A human with all the frailties that humans face.. hunger, tiredness, temptation, sore feet, dusty body, a need for sustenance, thirst, owies as a child falling, pretty girls who ignore...
He needed to grow into what God wanted him to be.
Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.
It was a growing process.
So when, at this time of year, I hear a word prompt like alive.. it makes me remember what Christ did, what he needed to become, and how, because of his action, sin has NO POWER OVER ME, so I too can grow to become more of the person God wants me to be.
Now that is what is to be alive. :)
1. Go to Kate's blog for the word prompt.
2. Write for five minutes, don't stress on perfection, just write.
3. Link up
4. Take the time to be an encouragement to others. Visit their blogs and be nice. That's the heart of this community you know. :)