And boy oh boy...that's a long time to wait if you are an eager 11 year old waiting for something that you really really want to have arrive.
"MOM! How many days yet?" was the daily question.
Until finally.. "HEY LAD... look, I think this is for you. Want to check?"
And then oh joy oh arrived!!!
Happy child.
Makes me think of how happy I am whenever I get a notification that a friend has left me a message in my inbox, or I've received an email from a loved one, or even snail mail. Ah...but that comes so rarely these days...and then I'm left with...what do I do with this now? Keep it? Toss it? With email...I can save it and it's there forever and takes up no space eh? But I love it regardless of what form it takes.
Letters are communication...a note from me to you.
hmm... communication eh? Like... God's word is a letter to us, a form of communication. And prayer..that's like talking, talking is communication, communication that is between you and God.
Just as a letter brings joy to the reader, don't you think prayer brings joy to God?
Should do more of both don't you think?

Five minutes of free writing, not editing, just writing.
Link up, Encourage the person before you.
It's a good time held by all.