I thought her opinion was quite valid as sometimes as homeschoolers we stick to ourselves too much. We try too hard to just make a community for ourselves and shut off the "schooled" world. Not particularly useful that approach I think in the long run as our children need to be able to cope with the world as well.
BUT all that said... I do put my son into homeschool soccer. Why?
1. it's six weeks
2. it involves no weekends
3. there are no self-important groups
4. it's very manageable.
5. it's highly affordable
Is it the best soccer out there? No.
But when you have a child who isn't particularly sports minded, it gives him a safe place to do soccer and to have some fun.
Last week a dad coached and made the girls quite angry. He had all the boys play forward positions and stuck the girls playing defense and then made the decision to tell them that they weren't switch positions with the boys at all. I wasn't particularly impressed either but decided to let it be (and couldn't discuss due to commitments elsewhere) and after thinking about it, decided it was a learning experience for the children and nothing to worry on. Also it was interesting to me seeing how the girls figured out how to deal with it, some of them played hard and watched the ball, others rebelled and decided to ignore the game.
Other weeks we've had coaches let the children pick their team-mates so some children needed to deal with being picked last. Other weeks the coach has needed to help out a weaker team. It all works out The children have different life experiences and figure out a way to make it work for them.