In particular for the Christian homeschooling parent the fear is often there that someone they will mess up their children. I know that fear is there for me.
And when I read this verse me IMMEDIATE initial reaction is... My faith isn't like that. My faith isn't that strong. How could my faith possibly move anything?
But the point is that my faith does NOT have to be great. My faith merely needs to be. This point was taught to me here.
I firmly believe that God has called me to teach my boy at home.
I believe it's the path that God has set out for me.
And as such.. even though my faith so often seems as small as a mustard seed, what God has ordained will turn out in the manner he has so ordained. It's not on me. It's on God. I merely need to live in accordance with what he has called of me.
And on that FACT I have to put my trust. I have to. There's really no other way to live as a Christian homeschooling parent.
If I do as God wills for me, then he will work on the details out.
Doesn't mean it will always be easy.
Doesn't mean I can just slouch around depending on God to just infuse my lad with knowledge.
There is work involved in teaching a lad, in raising him up in the fear and knowledge of the Lord.
But it does mean I don't have to worry on it. I can put my worry elsewhere (NOT!) -- but that's a whole other post isn't it? :)
Come read what some of the other 89 readers are doing. :) Here's 10 of them, you can find the rest over here. :)
Jody @ Because I’m Me
Melanie @ A Year of Jubilee Reviews
Emilee @ Pea of Sweetness
Nikki @ Angels of Heart
Sara @ Embracing Destiny
Heather @ Only Passionate Curiosity
Jennifer @ Simblissity Cottage
Kathy @ Kathys Cluttered Mind
Annette @ A Net in Time