Skitter is a mouse we bought yesterday. Spontaneous purchase. Afterwards I thought WHY did I do this? what if they don't get along? Mice can be ...difficult at times.
BUT God is so gracious to us.
After a time of being together but separated we put them together this morning and they are long lost friends. Go figure. :) No even a squeak of discontentment.
Anyways, Nick and Skitter (both girls). Skitter MAY BE pregnant. Which is fine.
They inspired a lad to do some crafting.
MOM! How do I make a safe box for them?
Well.. hmmm.. let's think on this.
Do you know son of my heart how to make Christmas card boxes???
No mom! HOW???
So we looked it up. And mini christmas card box..had a video and everything. It's quite simple. To make it mouse safe we used a staple instead of tape.
Mom? Can Mice see Colour???
We learned that mice can see blues fairly well, they can't see reds, and they like many animals tend to see in shades of gray.
This led to the lad for his vending machine toy for the mice to colour the dispenser blue to help the mice see where it is. :) Pretty good thinking for one seven year old boy eh? :)
The desire for a mouse ziptie
Measuring length, taking mouse weights, finding a similar weight, guesstimation of equipment size,shape etc.
All good thinking, all good education. :) can't beat hands on, child-led interest learning. :)