I've been struggling with how to implement this as in today's environment it's sometimes hard to do so without compromising the people who work in some difficult fields.
I received a prayer letter this week that contained an element that surprised me and I thought Office equipment? Seriously?
But yes, the prayer request mentioned office equipment and how hard it was to maintain in field conditions.
They aren't useful just for us in our air-conditioned, bug free, protected well from the environment homes. They are also useful in areas with bugs, dust, heat, humidity, mud walls and more. MOST equipment is not built to deal with such hazards, and therefore prayer is needed for this supportive equipment.
To think of what I consider such a basic thing, being of such high need for prayer.
Computers make the job so much easier for folks on the mission field.
Being able to put together needed pamphlets, work through linguistics, and so much more.
Then having the materials with which to print it off... scanners break down easily in heat. And how about getting dust into those delicate parts?
Not fun!
So let us please, take some time to today to pray for the office equipment of missionaries working out there. They need that support just as much, if not more then we do don't they?
This post is part of the blogging through the alphabet series that Marcy holds. This week the letter was "O".