I've been working on it for two days (almost wrote years!) :) And I"m still not quite done. You know how it is, you rearrange things, remove books, go through items and say "HEY, If I have to move sometime in the next six months I AM NOT moving this particular book" and then decide "eh, let's toss it". That's kinda where I am at, trying to get rid of things that I know I can either google information on or find in the library.
As I worked I posted pictures on my progress. Someone said "I see a path".
Realizing that just as things looked and felt extremely messy at this stage in the cleaning, that a path was still visible.
And that made me think of other schooling moms out there, and schooling dads, who are in the trenches learning and teaching and discovering with their children. Parents who are going through the messiness of children making a mess, making mistakes, learning, growing, developing.
And all the paths we are making through it all. We make paths. Trails of learning, Pathways of development. It's what we do as parents and as teachers.
Continue building paths and encouraging new trails. It's a good thing eh?