An environmental disaster causes potential world wide issues.
People turning on each other. Twisting and turning, looking to ....
Save their own bacon regardless of the costs that are paid.
Protect your own! Keep out the contenders!
Put up screens of protection.
And learn to listen to the still small voice within.
The main protagonist William Worthington is a typical first born. Sure of him and his leadership abilities, born into wealth and continuing that tradition. Oldest of three children, birth order plays a heavy role in how the children live out their adult lives. William is not a believer but he is somewhat aware of the things of God. He had learned the importance of family and doing what is right, come what may.
The author is the writer of "the birth order book" and birth order plays a heavy role in this book. William the oldest taking the leadership, Sean the youngest with tons of connections, and Sarah, the middle born being an excellent negotiator. All three siblings are vastly different, and yet all pull together to help resolve the mystery that stands before them.
I had to admit, I enjoyed the story. I found myself able to read it at my leisure instead of desperately wanting to get to the end. I found the ending disappointing though since there promises to be much more to the story, but in this round, it seems as if the bad guys are winning out, and the Worthington's were forced to back down and away.
Do I recommend reading it?
I have to admit, I really am not sure. It was not a bad book, but I didn't find it riveting, and found it somewhat predictable and too tied into the birth order theory. I disliked the feeling of the bad guys winning...even with the promise of a comeback.
At the end of the book there was additional information on birth order.
Received: softcover book "A Perfect Ambition"
Series: The Worthington Destiny
Author: Dr. Kevin Leman and Jeff Nesbit
Pages: 308
Type: Mystery, Suspense
Publisher: Revell
Reviewed for: Nuts about Books.