The general layout was to give an introduction to the country with activities for the child to do that were specific to that country (for Canada they talked about the winter, mounties and moose). I have to admit, my lad frowned at Canada being famous for Justin Bieber...." Why HIM mom?" he asked.

This is a fun book to go through with children. It is published by lonelyplanetkids.com. 48 pages of learning fun about different countries around the world.
Geared for ages three years and up.
I overall feel that the book is aimed at about 5-6 year olds.
My son at age 9 still enjoyed the book but it was geared down for younger children. Nevertheless he learned a good number of things about different countries that spurred us on to look into things a bit deeper (using the trusty cellphone). :)
It is definitely a book worth getting if you want you children to learn abit more about some interesting places around the world. It gives a good grounding to further study if your children are older, and if they are younger, it's a fun look around the world.