This book is written for the 6-8 year old group, and is all about Isabel who is the best bunny in her class for doing bunjitsu. It's a series of 13 short stories. All with a theme of showing off different skills.
My son is nine and sorta liked the book but he wasn't leaping up to grab it for our reading time. He thought the bunny was quite clever in the story about The Locked Door and that the rest of her class was quite silly in how they tried to solve the problem.
the story about The Rock made us laugh and then confused us. We couldn't figure out how after making a nice rock garden with a HUGE boulder, she managed to make a bunch of smaller rocks in towers with no big boulder. Made no sense to us. But that story was the exception to the rule. The rest of the stories were very clear cut and well written. Perfect for starting conversations with children, or just to have a good story time read.
The book closes with the code of a Bunjitsu Student. To do things like practice their art, study the world, try things that are hard to do and much more.
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Product details:
Received: Tales of Bunjitsu Bunny
Type: Hardcover easy reader
Age: 6-8 years
Author and Illustrator: John Himmelman
Publisher: Henry Holt and Company
I reviewed this book for Raincoast books.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my fair and honest review. Nothing more was expected of me. I've graciously been offered the chance to give a copy away, courtesy of Raincoast Books.
See contest details below please. :) Name the bunny! Win a Book! I decided it was better to make them separate contests, so make sure you enter both (if Canadian) and name the bunny (if not Canadian). :)
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