First off.
The company is A+Tutorsoft, Inc.
The product I used is the Online Homeschool Edition, A+ Interactive Math.
They also have a CD version as well, you can find out about that here.
A+ Interactive Math is a multi-sensory interactive math program that uses audio, visuals and text with interactive lessons, step by step instructions and instant feedback for 1st - 6th grade, Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1.
How it works
1. the practice and review section.
2. the print off and do it section.
The online program
" DOES track all assignments completed online in addition to providing option for the parents to print the assignments and have them grade/track using the tools we provide."
The Lad's Thoughts
Sure is my response.
As long as he gets above 80% he can move on. He likes that.
"Look Mom! I did it see?"
My thoughts
- When we started the program it took us a bit of figure out that you need to hit the submit button in the frog belly to have the answer credited.
- I like the constant feedback of good job, or that is correct. The lad likes that too. He also likes trying to beat the screen to the punch line, just makes him giggle. A giggling lad is one willing to learn, even when it's sometimes difficult.
- I like that if the answer is wrong, you can quickly click on the screen so that you can figure out yourself where you went wrong. BUT if you don't want to figure it out yourself, the computer will explain why your answer was wrong. I like that there is that option. The lad LOVES that he can correct it himself and doesn't have to listen to where he went wrong.
- I LOVE that you can repeat a lesson several times until understanding is gained. I never asked my son to do the Q & A until he was confident in his abilities to do so.
- I have a strong appreciation for GOOD customer service. The company offers that. Every question I've had they have been very prompt in the answering it, to the "give me your phone number and I'll give you a call". Just love that type of service.
- I like that I am not tied into doing online all the time. I can choose to print off lessons/review tests and have him just do paper work math. The lad prefers doing the on-line work though. :)
- I love that this program is not hyped. I've looked at some programs that promise a whole variety of things and actually don't have all that. This program gives what it says that it does.
Changes I would like to see
- I dislike that the addition/subtraction questions are not printed vertically in the handouts. I can understand not doing that on-line as the question needs to be printed out by the student anyways and it forces the child to think about placement of numbers etc. But the printouts...just seems like wasted paper to require the student to reformat the question so that it is easier for them to do.
- I HATE the frog. Oh my... Do I hate that ribbit ribbit sound. The biggest thing I would change is the frog. The lad isn't keen on the sound it makes either...
- Make the log in process easier. it's a good three or four click of the button to get to where you want to go.
- Mark off what lesson you stopped at. The sheer amount of time we wasted with... did we do this one already? A colour change or a check mark would be handy.
- Would be nice to have the ability to copy and paste bits of lessons so that one doesn't need to print off a whole bunch of the same lessons...but that one could print off a variety of review type questions/tests to see knowledge learned is retained.
- Interesting quirk today. Normally we use my desktop computer to do the program, but we thought we'd move the work upstairs to the laptop. It's an older laptop, but it was interesting that for the Q&A that the green box didn't pop up for the first four questions. Haven't had that issue before and the lad kept asking...Mom... did I do it right? So I am not sure if that was a glitch or the laptop issue.
Cost of the Program
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