Vendor: In the Hands of A Child.
Product: Insects.
Price: Currently available for $9 (normally $15)
Geared for : K-6
What this is...
What this means is we can add to our lapbooks as we gain new information OR as we find information that answers questions that the lapbook gives us, but doesn't answer as face simply cannot answer every single question a child might have. So I LOVE doing lapbooks my own way. :)
This lapbook is designed by In the Hands of a Child. I must say, of all the companies I have used for doing lapbooks this company is one of my favourites. They do a thorough job. Their lapbooking elements fit well with the material taught, and they tell me how to make the different elements. Most can be figured out, but some... well... take some teaching. :)
This lapbook covers the anatomy of an insect, type of insects, vocabulary, habitats, hibernation and migration and so much more.
Things I wish were different
My Opinion
I really appreciate how they give options with the unit for making the lapbooking elements age appropriate...cut and paste for children, or write in the answer, or do a simple copy over words. Means if I had more than one child I could do this with all of them with little extra effort on my part.
I have to admit, we haven't quite finished it, we are having fun doing it and making little side trips into....I wonder about (today it was antennae, how do they help tell temperature differences) so we've been looking that up and learning more.
I love materials that not only answer lots of questions, but also encourage lots of questions that require further study. This unit does exactly that.
I recommend you get if you have someone in your household interested in insects. :)
My Son's Opinion
Can we do less gluing?
But I like it! I didn't know that flies and bees were different kinds of insects.