Product: I received access to two separate areas. Math (Canadian content) and Language arts (American content).
Pricing: $9.95/month or $79/year.
Age Range: Math preK-12, Language Arts Grades 2-4.
1. flooding. Three flooded basements over the course of three weeks...with the corresponding cleanup.
2. plumber in the house to fix the flooding issues...this took significantly longer than expected to clear up.
3. lad with a cold and off/on fever producing a lack of desire to sit still at a computer.
4. mom with a pulled muscle in her back making helping the lad difficult.
We honestly did our best, but it was tough trying to fit in times to do it well.
1. MOM! See... I know this! - me: that's good, I thought you knew it.
2. Mom... this is too hard..I can't do this mom. Why do I have to do this?. - me: remember, I told you that some would be too hard and some would be easy? What does this tell us? Lad: what I don't know mom.
3. But I've never seen this stuff before mom. - me: Okay, but sometimes you know things that I don't expect you to know. Now I know.
As you can see this program did exactly what I thought it would do.
For the things that lad was good practice.
For the things I thought the lad knew but he didn' gave him practice AND provided some teaching.
For the things I had hoped the lad picked up by osmosis... well.. it proved that some things he did pick up and other things he most definitely did not. And that knowledge helps me to know what I have to teach yet.
In each case we had opportunity to learn as well as practice what we did or did not know. And this is a of huge benefit to eclectic teachers such as myself.
So what are some of the benefits for you?
Membership Benefits:
- Comprehensive coverage of K–12 math curriculum.
- Interactive language arts exercises for grades 2–4.
- Unlimited questions in over 2,000 skills.
- Fun and colourful practice formats.
- Questions that adapt to your child’s ability, increasing in difficulty as they improve.
- Immediate feedback and question-specific explanations to solidify understanding of each concept.
- Audio for all pre-K to first-grade math skills.
- Weekly e-mail updates on your child’s progress.
- Informative, detailed reports pointing out successes and trouble spots.
- Awards and certificates for you and your children to print out as they reach important milestones.
- iPad app for mobile math practice.
- Grade up or grade down. If for instance your child is in grade can drop down to grade two or go up to grade four. Easy as pie.
- Children are encouraged when they get the correct answer, and if they get the answer wrong they are shown WHY they got it wrong. With the specific question being used to show where they went wrong.
- They have math for Canada! WOOT WOOT!! So many math programs are specific to one country only. And here I could do Canadian math on a USA based site. Very cool that. :)
- Weekly reports emailed to me. So handy to have this sent out.
- We had a defined goal. Practice one skill until you get to 100 points. Mistakes just make that goal a bit harder to get to, but it is still attainable.
A group of us from the TOS review crew took a solid look Please go to this link OR click on the banner below to read them over. :) Take some time to read them over, and learn if you think will do the job for you.