Book: Let there by light
Type: Hardcover, children's book
Author: Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Illustrated by Nancy Tillman
Length: 26 pages
My Review:
This review in done on behalf of :)
I sat down to read this with my boy, he's eight years old and still gaining confidence with his reading. Between the pictures on the pages and alternating the pages we read, he was able to read this book and understand what he was reading as we went through it.
He loved the pictures.
He laughed at the cat and the mice. :)
I could see much younger children demanding to have this book read to them several times, it's quite a nice book.
It only deals with the story of creation and is fairly accurate to scripture.
Easy to read for the emerging reader.
Great pictures.
Makes a child laugh in delight.
Just a good book.
Yes, I recommend it. :)