Author: Robert Elmer
Title: Life Behind the Wall. Three books in one: Candy Bombers, Beetle Bunker and Smuggler's Treasure.
Pages: 516
Format: Story based on true life, directed at young adult
Published by:
Price: $13.99
Well.. Make history come alive for them. Help them and yourself to understand what it meant for the Berliners as you walk through history with the Becker family. View difficult decisions, see how life affected people and observe the desperation and the hope held.
Take a glimpse at the challenges to people to faith and be challenged in your own faith.
In Candy Bombers learn what a simple act of tossing candy out of a aircraft meant for the children. Male lead character: Eric.
In Beetle Bunker learn of hard choices made. Female lead character: Sabine.
Smuggler's Treasure see the results of decisions made and freedoms hoped for. Female lead character: Liesl.
After each book is finished there are discussion questions and write up on how it really happened. Fascinating book I learned so much. :) Heartily recommend it.
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