Woodpeckers are cool!
The book is done in rhyme...
"Flufffy Fledglings
now are grown,
Wik-A, Wik-A!
On their own."
The neat thing about doing the book in rhyme is it gave me an opportunity to ask my lad what the thought the poem was talking about. We quickly discovered the fact section at the end of the book where we learned what the poems were all talking about. Learning that woodpeckers have clutches of 3-6 babies, and they share the duties of raising their young.
We flipped back and forth, the lad reading the poem, me reading the corresponding fact sheet and we learned. :)
Without the fact section, the poem book was a bit young for my lad, but the fun was looking for the answers and thinking about what the poem might be talking about and that's a good thing.
A few different species of woodpecker are shown throughout the book, It was interesting to see their colour variation. And did you know they hide from predators by going to the other side of the branch or tree? Neat huh?
If you want to learn more about woodpeckers check out these resources:
Unit study.
Woodpeckers of North America.
Woodpeckers of Canada.
Reading Comprehension.
Identify woodpeckers.
lesson Planet has a variety of worksheets.
Received: Softcover picture book Woodpecker Wham!
Author: April Pulley Sayre
Illustrator: Steve Jenkins
Pages: 40
Age range: 4-8
Publisher: HenryHolt and Company
Reviewed for: Raincoast Books.
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