Oxford Owl. A homeschooling friend recommended this site to me. Oxford Owl is an award-winning free website with 250 FREE tablet-friendly eBooks and activities to help you support children’s learning.
Someone also recommended Imagination Station to me. Science Studio Is an exhibit space at Imagination Station where you can explore science on your own terms. At our activity bench you can make slime, build rockets or look at bugs under microscopes.
a free frog resource book. Do you have frog-loving kids? If so, this unit is for them! Below you’ll find lots of links, videos and activities that will guide you and your children on a fun learning adventure about frogs and toads.
then there is sprouting tadpoles history memory cards, these are for ancient history.
Deliberate mom talking about Kidoodle TV. I signed up for it but never got a chance to really use the free trial. Sometimes that's how life goes.
Lighthouse Classical Academy talking about some favourite math books. I thought some looked interesting and wanted to keep the tab handy.
Here's a rather large book list you might find interesting. I did. :)
This post on gamifying your homeschool intrigued me.
bible copy work pages.
Lego for upper elementary. I want to do lego chemistry with my homeschool group.
Jesus and Lazarus. Science with bible. A good thing this.
10 neat science experiments. I'll be putting this on my science page as well. :)
Life of Christ series. This month on Coffee for the Soul we are going to do something a little different. We would love for you to join us as we chronologically cover the main events of the Life of Christ as accounted in the Book of John. We would love to have you join us as we learn about who Christ is and what He did for us
This Chocolate Sauce lesson intrigued me. I think it's missing something, but haven't quite figured that out yet....
A Child’s Book Of Art: Free Printable Discussion Questions. You can actually use many of the questions to discuss the artwork in whichever books you own. In fact, using these questions will help teach you how to talk about art with your child whether you are looking at books or walking through an art museum.
and last but not least
the Visual Periodic Table. :)