BUT Here is how our week went.
The day started off with service at Church. The Sermon was on "In all things give thanks".
Dinner at hubby's mom. We had turkey with all the trimmings. As usual mom cooked for an army, even if we had an extra guest. This was in honour of Thanksgiving Day.
Lunch at my mom's house. We had soup and buns, my sisters brought desserts.
The buns were homemade from my house. RECIPE.
Found my song inspiration for the week: Whate'er God Ordains is Right.
The lad worked through Veritas Press Bible and History.
Did all three of his smart books: Science, English and Math.
Teaching Textbooks for Math.
Then we hurry scurried off for Art. A lady we know about 40 minutes from home does an art class for homeschooled children. This session it's on Perspective.
Dad came along this time as he needed to get out of the house.
I got laundry done, and some trimming done outside. Some weeds and vegetation cleared away.
The lad got up all tired and out of sorts. This is our normal "let's help at the Foodbank" day and he was "I'll come along mom if you really want me, but can we please stay home?" We compromised. He would stay home and do all his basics and I would go to the Foodbank.
Did some cleaning tidying in the garage today. Enough done the bikes could go back inside.
When I got home we did some history.. we've started a new review for Homeschool Legacy called Cooking up History. So we learned a bit about George Washington and then decided to make a cherry pie.
The lad went to Karate practice at night.
I was woke up feeling tired, sore and just not happy. Turned into a bad cough by the end of the day. The lad did VP history, bible, german, Teaching Textbooks and oh...I know we did something else...but it's all rather a fog. OH right, we worked on the human body.
Dad was gone to a meeting all day, the lad and I managed to dry off some vehicle stuff for him and put away. When he got home the two boys went out pokemon going, and our international student went out for supper.
The lad had Cadets at night, Dad drove since I wasn't up to going out. :)
Today is Friday so it's our do things differently day.
SINCE I am still not feeling well we kinda put a cap on what we did. I know the lad did something but since I got about 1 hour of sleep I really haven't a clue. :) I think he did some reading....i think. :) OH! I do know he wrote some more on his story.
Throughout the week I've been keeping up on the #write31days challenge
This week we've covered the following word prompts:
Mail. Aware. Sky. and Question.
Make and Move Monsters. Aren't they cute? My friends son had so much fun with them.
Art Collage Book. This is part of my art series. Nice use it up book for children.
Sunshine. Fantasy fiction.
Let's See, what else did I do.
I've continued reading through two books coming up for reviews.
Paul Tripps' Parenting and Jason Ladd's One of the Few. Enjoying both.
The lad has started reading through The Warriors series by Erin Hunt.
Yesterday and today I've been doing soup and tea and bouillon. :) Trying to clear up this silly cold.
Oh.. I wrote a couple of posts.
Another in my series "Letters to Pastor's Wives". This one on Lord's Day.
Oh.. and a field trip we had to the Aviation Museum.
The Lord's Anger at Abominations.
God Acts against Abominators.
The Glory of the Lord Leaves the Temple.
Is the Church today like old Israel?