First thing we did was review what we learned about the Vikings. Longboats, travel to Canada, change in Britain, influence of Christianity and so forth. The lad did a fair good job of remembering.
Then we looked at our activity pages for the "great empires" course that we are taking. They had us doing two things today.. making Viking coins and Barley Flatbread.
We didn't have the paint so we headed off the the store to find it. One store had some but 'it didn't look gold enough" so we went to a different store where it was gold and silver enough AND (bonus for mom) it was cheaper too. :) Two cans of paint down we headed home where we had quite the discussion on just how we would do this. Mom, was the comment, I want to do some coins for the pigs too. Well...that's okay. But we have to make the Viking coins first.
We tried, oh but we tried to make them according to directions, but that just didn't work. We needed more size in order to get the glue to work well. it kept running together. We expanded from 2 inches to 4 inches and that worked much better. And we did what we always do.. we conducted an experiment. What type of paper works best... cardboard? Construction paper? Cardstock? What about clear glue versus white glue? Does it matter if we paint it or drip it out of the bottle? Pros and cons to each method we are learning thus far.
Then we heard it... BOOM!
MOM! What's the noise?
We turned around and wow! Was it ever raining hard. The pigs started squealing... we want to get wet we want to get wet!
So the pigs hopped into their boat and out they went.
We got to making out Viking bread.
We made a half recipe as we weren't sure if we'd like it or how much it would make. 1.5 cups barley flour, 1/2 cup water. Mix together. Will be a stiff dough. Take a 2 inch piece, flatten as thin as you can. Cook over a greased griddle on medium-high heat for 30 seconds each side. Is best eaten while fresh. It works best greasing the griddle with butter we learned.
The lad's opinion. MOM! Can I have more Viking Bread???