50 Magical stories: "the lad who went to the north wind". In this story the bad person got punished as a natural consequence.
Classic Animal Stories: "the elephant's child'. the big question of the day was.. why did they keep spanking him just because he asked questions??? and then why did they say he was bad when he spanked them back at the end of the story??? Why mom???
The ultimate guide to wildlife of north america. Today we learned about the giant hairy desert scorpion. It's venomous but generally people are fine. And the Eastern Cottontail. Did you know this rabbit mostly lives east of the Rockies and sometimes uses gopher holes to hide in during the winter?
Today's Detours
It surprised us how many of the tallest buildings in Canada were bank buildings. "they must have lots of money mom. We should be a bank mom, our house I mean". :)
This of course led to a discussion about land use, and how much land we save by building apartment buildings. We talked about relative size, and did some greater than/less than work. Superkids did up this page for us. :) hopefully you can see it.
We took the time to look up some of the interesting tall buildings around the whole world as well. Many of them are quite interesting architecturally, but many are quite boring office type buildings.
second detour was Jelly ears. :) WE started here, and then went here.
the picture below comes from jmagnus
The world
I enjoy doing these long term projects with the lad. it gives LOTS of time to talk about the world, to come up with interesting questions...for instance.. does the moon have layers like the earth does? why does the sun get storms on it and how do scientists know these things because the sun is too hot to travel to?
Sight Words
His results for reading were
For reading,
Phonemic Awareness - Exempt
Phonics - Inter. K
Sight Words - Early Grade 2
Vocabulary - High Grade 1
Reading Comprehension - Early Grade 3
Pretty much how I was at his age. :) I firmly believe that understanding phonics comes with age, and given that he's doing more words than I thought he's coming together for him. :)
Just got his math assessment and for most things he's in grade two, with geometry being grade three. He was majorly stressing over the measurement stuff (as we haven't focused much on that) so I helped him do those. (probably shouldn't have but I did). :)