One two three four five
Once I caught a fish alive
Six, seven eight nine ten
then I let him go again
Why did you let him go
Because he bite my finger so
Which finger did he bite,
This little finger on my right.
My son and I sang the song so many time when he was young.
I don't know if you'd catch this smart-alecky 11 year old singing it now. but when he was young we'd belt it out together just for the fun of it. BUT this ditty was the first thing I thought of when I pondered the word five, but it didn't sit as something I could write on for five minutes.
I've been pondering this word five all day, after I read Miss Kate's blog about how five is important to her, it made me does grief affect people?
I ponder how to write my words as I don't want them misconstrued.
I've have a few people in my life who have gone through moments of intense grief.
My mom.. at the loss of her husband.
My siblings.. at the loss of a father (me as well).
A cousin at the loss of her innocence
A friend at the loss of her mom.
A friend over the loss of a baby before it's time.
Cousins at the loss of child in an unpredictable accident.
A couple friend at the loss due to cancer of a son.
All have handled their grief differently.
But some I find can't let it go.
They cling to that grief so their loss is as fresh today as it was at the time it happened.
I was talking with my sweetheart about this and ... as Christians we need to see beyond grief. We can't hang on to it. YES, loss is hard and that should NOT be denied, but at the same time we can't hang on it. We have a brighter and better future ahead of us AND if our lost young ones knew the Lord.. some day, oh some bright day we will SEE THEM AGAIN.. in all their glory, without the marring of sin on them.
Our dear friends and family and cousins... Let go of the grief...just let it go and turn to God, don't hold on to it.. it only holds you back from seeing the bright future that awaits.
So my five turned out to be different than I intended...but my five was written from the heart, with a love it's hard to describe.