Monday: schooling at Gramma's did his daily of math and English from the "smart series" of books, reading 1/2 hour, and a surprise.. out with Gramma to McDonald's. "boy, those mcflurry's ARE good!" said Gramma. Before we left in the morning started to mock up a routine for the lad in his planner. Dinner out with international students.
We've started our six week art program with other homeschool students, the teacher used to homeschool her young but they've all graduated now. This six week session is all about perspective.
Wednesday: Food bank, dailies, Veritapress History and bible, did some work on his map for our new writing program. He also did some work on that today (Sunday) unasked. I deliberately didn't take a really clear picture as the lad kinda wants folks to see, but not totally. :)
We spent a fair amount of time watching this perpetual machine, seeing where the balls went, anticipating sometimes correctly, sometimes not where the balls would go.