Part One:
Lie, lie tell me why
hide yourself in plain sight
Lie, lie tell me why
is it not hard to keep things straight?
Lie, lie tell me why
Do you want to cause a fright?
Lie, lie tell me why
Can not truth be your mate?
Part Two:
The young one said
That noise that's banging in my head?
What is that noise
The old one said
That noise that calling me from bed?
and through the window they both heard
the plangent music of the band
the trumpets blared
the trumpets moaned
Their plangent offering brought them all.
1. (Christianity / Ecclesiastical Terms) Now rare the concealment of facts in order to obtain a benefit, esp an ecclesiastical benefit or, in Scots Law, a grant from the Crown Compare obreption
2. any deceitful misrepresentation or concealment of facts
Super Challenge: plangent
1 : having a loud reverberating sound <a plangent roar>
2 : having an expressive and especially plaintive quality <plangent lyrics>