"Sin is part of everyone's experience." Oh... I like that quote. :) It frames the lessons of this chapter well. It is good to know how to deal with this type of situation, as, even though it might not affect YOUR marriage, it will most likely affect the marriage of someone you know.
Point 1.
Pornography is not grounds for divorce. If it were, any man or woman who ever had lustful thoughts for someone they aren't married to, could be divorced. Divorce is only meant for those who have engaged in the physical act of immorality with another person.
Point 2
Sexual six has a variety of manifestations, which will not be delved into in this chapter. How one deals with it will be.
How to respond to sexual sin.
1. Don't live in fear or expectation that your spouse will stray.
2. Trust your spouse. "Trust between husband and wife is only as strong as the people are." We are flawed, we won't trust as we aught to, but we still must trust. Do not equate trusting your spouse with trusting God. God can be trusted REGARDLESS. He will not fail you EVER.
3. If your spouse strays remember this truth. It is not your fault. It's not your looks, your housecleaning, your cooking, your whatever...your husband's sin is his own. You may have your issues that you need to deal with and repent of. But if you are working at being a good spouse and your spouse has failed in this area...let him own his own sin, you own your own.
4. Church leadership may become involved. Make no accusations that cannot be proven. Deal with your husband in a scriptural manner before you do anything else.
Biblical Response:
1. You are not a victim. You have been sinned against, but you are not a victim.
2. Remember we all sin and are capable of so much sin. No need to become a man-hater.
3. Self-protection is a natural desire, but don't let it cause you to sin as well.
4. A good counsellor can help you work through various issues in your marriage, find one that upholds biblical counsel.
Always turn to the word of God.
Seek the counsel of those who have gone on before.
Continue to love your spouse. This is what we are called to do.
Remember we are ALL sinners. ALL of us.
We have a higher calling than to respond in anger and bitterness.
Calling to
1. humility
2. gentleness
3. patience
4. Bearing with one another in love
5. Eagerness to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace
You need to question how that will look in your life as you work through your thoughts, feelings and attitudes about this particular sin in your spouses life.