Our household has been somewhat lacking in the sleep department lately what with the humidity and heat... we needed a thunderstorm to cool things off and FINALLY we got that early in the morning. :) WOOT WOOT!
So my tired boy wasn't quite as tired today, but was still highly distractable... much like his momma.. so we did well to get things done.
FIRST OFF we did Target the question. I did a review on this program oh.. back in March. You can find it here. The lad needed to think abit and wasn't happy that I made him read the questions for himself today. BUT MOM.. why? you ALWAYS read it for me. But son of mine, if you read it, we don't need to read from the yellow book. Oh.. okay. but if I read now I won't have to read later right? Yup. :) So he read, he though and he figured out his math word problems. It was good. :)
Oh.. almost forgot. One of the lad's friend caught a garter snake today and asked if I could sell him mice for it as he wants to keep it over the winter. This lead to the lad (who was quite excited by this news) and I learning a bit more about garter snakes. This site was VERY useful.
Then we went and did some art. Last week we worked on a fresco and today we decided to take a good look at the frescos that we did and turn them over and see what it was like to paint on the opposite side. The lad was MUCH happier with his efforts today.
While the lad was finishing up this picture we did another chapter from "a child's geography". The lad scoffed at the Greek myths and wondered why people would make up such stories. He doesn't quite understand that people always have a need to connect with God and when they don't know him, they make up their own gods. If you want to know my thoughts on "A child's geography" I did up a review on it last week. You can find that here.
We made some zucchini bread (recipe to follow) today for HOPE days tomorrow, and I had the lad do four lessons from Time4Learning. That review is here. He did well on today's lesson. He's a picture of him working away.