I have to admit, I find this tune rather distracting....
But it does make me think about something.
Marriage changes people.
Before marriage I liked to listen to pop and country music... That was my style of music, that a variety of praise and worship music.
Then I got married...to a man who DESPISES country music and only tolerates pop. We found some common ground in jazz, and I discovered big band music which makes my husband smile.
BUT the biggest change is this.. HE LOVES rock music. Adores it. So what does he play as often as he can? Rock music.
Guess who is SLOWLY starting to like rock music? You got it right.. me. The other day he even caught bopping to some tune that 3 years ago I would have barely tolerated.... He likes me bopping to his music... again... it makes him smile.
We need smiles.
So what can I say? "if only the lonely ba ba ba dadada...."