Here's a book that will help: The Ultimate Interactive Guide to Natural Disasters.
- 48 page fact book
- 27 x 20" poster
- 3-D Volcano Model to Assemble
- Spinning Tornado Model
- Coil bound hardcover
- Full colour pages
- Clearly presented information
- Simple drawings to help explain systems such as water and weather cycles
- 21 chapters
- Coil binding so it lays flat
- Maps and diagrams
- Tables
- Cut outs
- Excellent explanation of the global impact
- Introductory sections for each new disaster
- Did you know that sometimes when lightening hits sandy ground it can turn solid?
- Storms are named so,we know which major storm is being talked about as there can be more than one happening at once
- Can you imagine a heat so hot it can melt roads?
- There is a lake under the glaciers called Lake Vostok. Scientists investigate.
- Sandstorms change the colour of the sky.
- Cenotes, in Mexico.
This book would be excellent to let children read alone, or use as a spine for a larger study of natural disasters around the world. Little tidbits just begged to be studied more, for instance, I want to teach my lad more about the Cenotes in Mexico. This book is a great introduction to how the world works in regards to natural disasters.

Author: Ian Graham
Illustrations: Simon Morse and Simon Taylor
Pages: 48
Publisher: SilverDolphin
Reviewed for: Raincoast Books