BUT I did read some good books. The review books I'll be writing up posts for them on their own over the next three weeks. Some books I read just for fun, perhaps you might find a new treasure.
Crispin - Cross of Lead. Looking back over the book the premise wasn't a bad one. Unknown child, peasant, mystery about parentage, evil villains, scary individual who turns out to be a decent sort, plotting and maneuvering all round. Solid premise... but you know what I thought as I read it? What an ODD book. j
Part of that I'm sure is due to the fact it was written from the point of view of Crispin. That first person view is always disconcerting as it's such an unfamiliar style. In the end the bad guys don't totally win and that's a good thing. :)
Premise: teen running madly across the road with a gun, ex-secret service agents turned PI instinctively follow and stop him, returning him to his home, offering to be of assistance if needed. Turns out the assistance was needed. Dead father isn't, and there's a mystery to be solved concerning why he disappeared and how to safely reunite him with his son. Lots of governmental interference, twists and turns and just a good read. You won't fall asleep reading it. :)
Once when he told me he worried about something really bad happening to him, so I was able to use these characters as an example of how something REALLY bad happened to a couple of the people. It didn't make sense to eithr of them. But it turned out well as they both were able to use their tragedies to help each other in ways they didn't expect. True love happened, with God as their anchor.
The second conversation was about how two books with similar themes can generate different reactions from people. I read a couple of romances (review books) this trip and I really liked one of them, other was so-so and this was just left me go "meh". And why was that mom? How come books aren't the same mom? Shouldn't they all make you want to know more??
It was quite a good conversation and I thank Ms. Henderson for her part in that. :) NOTE I normally really really enjoy Dee Henderson's books so that fact this one doesn't hit my "read again" list is no reflection on the author. :)