BUT that's not why I'm here, today I"m here to walk you through a day in our life.
This morning I woke up WAY too early, I would have loved to have slept longer but I also didn't want to get up so I laid in bed reading and dozing off and on. Finally got up at 700, started my bunny chores, came in at 730 to wake up our student to get him on the way... I know he heard me, but when I got in at 900 he was still having breakfast so he got to school late. He mumbled something about falling back to sleep...
The lad finally deigned to wake up when I brought laundry upstairs to his room. "Mom? What???" I
My response was "It's 930 lad, you might want to get up. I"M HUNGRY!"
While he readied himself I got laundry put away.
After discussing our conversation jar question "what toy did you play with most as a child" (we both said lego), over a breakfast of cereal, we read our missionary story of the day. About a family travelling through the jungle of Belize, getting lost at night, and being protected by an angel. (that's the very short rendition). The lad and I were quite astounded by the events.
My lad was able to focus on the countries and the places instead of working on doing the drawing perfectly. He was able to save his art acumen for creating a Medieval TO map. This project was really enjoyed by my lad. He enjoyed figuring out how to make the letters special even if they aren't done in a medieval font.
By this time we were getting hungry as it was getting on 230, so we stopped to have lunch and while having lunch finished up our day with Classics for kids. Today our artist was Modest Mussorgsky.
So overall, even though the day started sluggishly and none of us had a whole lot of ambition, the day went fairly well. :) Now to see what tomorrow brings!
So, do you have a day in the life to share? If so, I'd be delighted to read up on it. Leave a link in the comments and I'll check it out too. :)